Lost OZark Dawn Community Heritage

Lost Ozark Dawn Community Heritage was founded by love and loss.

November 6, 2019, I started my journey of recovery. While many people are hesitant to discussing their trauma, loss, or addictions, I am working to normalize these feelings and stereotypes, while promoting sewing, and making an impact on NWAR.

After rehab I felt so lost and alone, and I didn’t know what to do with myself. I sat down and really started thinking about what it is I want in this life? What can I do that will make me happy? What gives me joy and provides me with comfort?

I thought back to when I was a kid and the things that gave me comfort. I remembered watching my mother and grandmother pick out fabric, cut patterns, and sew their projects. One winter my grandmother and I hand pieced a king sized green tumbling block. I still have it to this day, and it is a priceless treasure to me, filled with kindness and love. In reflection I realized the time I spent with her sewing gave me the comfort I was searching for.

My mom, Hazel, sewed all my cloths when I was young. Standing still while she pinned the garment was almost imposable. Taking off a shirt with pins in it takes talent, if you ever wondered! Standing as still as I could, getting poked during the fittings! Let’s just say, I’m not big on clothing construction. My mother is an amazing sewest and I am fortunate to sew with her weekly and learn from her, when I listen. Being in her sewing room after rehab provided me with the comfort I was desperately seeking.

And then…It’s like a light went off and I said out loud “sewing will be my life’s work”. My mission became to help others feel good about themselves while learning their machines, give guidance with sewing projects, and provide a group of like-minded people to spend time with. If I can help others with their sewing, maybe they too would be able to experience the joy and comfort I gained from it.

Being lost can be bad. It can also be good.

AR is home, and home is in the Ozarks.

My name is La Dawnya, and every dawn is a new day.

So, the way I see it today is, I can be Lost at home in the Ozarks every Dawn.

Join me at Lost Ozark Dawn, and Let’s Get Lost in Sewing!



Upcoming Dates

Wed, May 15


Houston, TX

Thu, May 16


Birmingham, AL

Sun, May 19


Brooklyn, NY

Sun, Jun 2


Philadelphia, PA



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